Money is something that connects all of us. Everyone uses it, and almost everyone has memories involving it.
The Museum on the Mound would like to offer free reminiscence resources that we hope will be particularly helpful for older people who are isolating or for those caring for individuals with dementia.
To start things off, please watch our video ‘All Change: Memories of Money.’ Join us as we take a look at some coins from our past and explore how our money changed with decimalisation. In the video, we ask questions that will hopefully spark memories and start interesting conversations.
For some simple reminiscence activities on money, please have a look at our Memory Bank Resources.
Penny for your thoughts…
Have you had a job in the bank? We’re interested to know about your first job, what working life was like for you, and any of your favourite memories from your time spent in the bank.
Our hope is that your memories will spark many more for people suffering from dementia. We also believe that you memories are invaluable for understanding our history and bringing our collections to life.
To take part in our Memory Bank project, you can e-mail at or write to us at Museum on the Mound, Lloyds Banking Group, The Mound, Edinburgh, EH1 1YZ.